
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Information System Resources and Technologies

An Information system is an organized combination of people, hardware, software, communication networks, and disseminates information in an organization.
Anyone who uses an information system or the information it produces is an end user. This usually applies to most people in an organization, as distinguished from the smaller number of people who are information system specialists, such as systems analysts or professional computer programmers. A managerial end user is a manageer, entrepreneur, or managerial-level professional who personally uses information system. So most managers are managerial end users.
Today internetworked information systems play a vital role in the business succes of an enterprise. The Internet, intranet can provide the information infrastructure a business needs for efficient operations, effective management, and competitive advantage.
We are living in an emerging global information society, with a global economy that is increasingly dependent on the creation, management, and distribution of information resources over interconnected global networks like the Internet. The Internet, intranets, extranets, and other telecommunications networks create global internetworked society of universal connectivity.

A Framework for Business End Users

The useful conceptual framework that organizes the knowledge in this outlines what end users need to know about information systems. It emphasizes that you should concentrate your efforts in 5 areas of knowledge:
  • Fundamental behavioral and technical concepts that will help you understand how information systems can support tha business operations, managerial decision-making and strategic advantage of business firms and other organizations.
  • Major concepts, developments, and management issues in information technology.
  • The major uses of information systems for the operations, management, and competitive advantage of an enterprise.
  • How end users or information specialists develop information systems solutions to business problem using fundamental problem-solving and developmental methodologies.
  • The challenges of effectively and ethically managing the resources and business strategies involved in using information technology at the end users, enterprise, and global levels of a business.

Information system and information technology

Tha's the sama as asking why anyone should study accounting, finance, operations managemant, marketing, human resource management, or any other major business function. Information systems and technologies have become a vital component of successful businesses and organizations. They thus constitute an essential field of study in business administration and management. That's why most business major must take a course in information system. Since you probably intend to be a manager, entrepreneur, or business professional, it is just a important to have a basic understanding of information systems as it is to understand any other functional area in business.