
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The New Role of Information Systems in Organizations

Information systems cannot be ignored by managers because they play such a critical role in contemporary organizations. Digital technology is transforming business organizations. The entire cash flow of most Fortune 500 companies is linked to information systems directly affect how managers decide, how senior managers plan, and in many cases what products and services are produced (and how). They play strategic role  in the live of the firm. Responsibility for information systems cannot be delegated to technical decision makers.
Why Business Need Information Technology, Information Technology is reshaping the basics of business. Customer service, operations, product and marketing strategies, and distribution are beavily, or sometimes even entirely, dependent on IT. The computers that support these functions can be found on the desk, on the shop floor, in the store, even in briefcase. IT, and its expense, have become an everyday part of business life.
Information system perform three vital roles in any type of organization:
  1. Support of business operations.
  2. Support of managerial decision-marking.
  3. Support of strategic competitive advantage.
Let'stake a retail store as an example to illustrate this important point. As a consumer, you have to deal regularly whit the information systems that support business operations at the many retail stores where you shop. For example, most retail stores now use computer-based information system to help them record customer purchases, keep track of inventory, pay employees, buy new merchandise, and evaluate sales trends. Store operations would grind to a halt without the support of such information systems.